A psychic energy healing session
A global session merging channeling, psychic reading, energy healing & mediumship to support you and your most alive needs. It is an upgrade, a quantum shift, mainly a healing, clearing past traumas and blockages, inherited stories, harmonising your bodies and system, allowing for more alignment, peace, embodiment and connection with your heart, self and everyday life.
Trans-generational reading & healing,
Trauma and egregore release & clearing,
Channeling from other dimensions, your bodies, soul & subconscious,
Psychic Reading (only for healing purpose),
Other lives activation & clearing,
Cosmic upgrade, quantum shift,
ETs, Light/benevolent beings downloads,
Light codes, activations and light surgery,
Consciousness & practical guidance,
Compassionate & down-to-earth container.
Welcome to a holistic & cosmic experience, back to Yourself.
What a session may offer
You may receive a healing around inherited stories, traumas from your ancestral lineage - that may have happened in your current lifetime. Validation, welcoming with compassion the energy, transmutation and clearing. Release for you and the family tree.
If you are experiencing some questions about your current situations, whether being it personal or professional. Life can be unpredictable, and you’ll reconnect with your soul, bodies, emotional needs, a sense of peace and belonging to you and life.
If you are feeling the need to change and uplift aspects of your self and life. Quantum shift to provide more alignment with your soul’s journey and human experience. Activations of codes from the New Earth planetary fields and beyond.
Allows for connecting back to oneself and our true nature. In a fast pace world, with our complex global era, coming back home to Self and to love, assist in feeling more harmonious in our daily lives. You’ll reconnect with nature, what matters and your heart.
Although Caroline do not offer proper mediumship readings as would a medium - past away loved ones are coming 98% of the time during a regular session. Reconnecting and receiving guidance, protection and love from them can be deeply healing.
You’ll receive an overall bodies, mind, spirit energy healing going through your whole system - through this lifetime, other lifetimes, time and space. Clearing Interferences, balance re-harmonised. The energies coming through may vary from their origins.
Spirituality is deeply pragmatic, you’ll receive caring tools and exercises for your daily practises and session integration.
Sessions to support you in your eventful grid-walk journeys throughout the planet, newly activated psychic abilities.
Reconnections with galactic templates, blueprint and family.
Activations to align with the frequencies of the New Earth system.

Book your session with Caroline
It varies in between 45min to 2h. Various options are available on out Boutique to suit different needs and prices.
On Zoom - a link will be share with you before the session starts (approx. in the 24h before).
Or in person - it can be at your place, at Caroline’s or at a nearby spa or health center on location. Please note Caroline works worldwide. Mostly in Costa Rica, the US & Europe. -
You can reach out to us by email to proceed the booking at info.cosmaterra@gmail.com
You can also purchase a session via our Conscious Boutique. After purchase, we will be in touch by email anyway to select available dates. -
Please let us know at least 24h before. All no-show sessions will have to be paid 50% of the allocate price.
You can gift a session to a loved one. However, if the person is not aware of Cosmä Terra and it is a surprise - the person reserves the right to accept or not to receive the session. It is a form of therapeutic treatment and the choice of an adequate practitioner is deeply personal. If a session has been pre-paid, the session can be reuse by the buyer itself or someone else they wish to gift it to.
These are Atlantean Healing Paddles. Channeled by Frank Alper, they represent ancient activated Atlantean symbols with colourful vibrations to assist the chakras and meridians. And make out of wood and cooper to transmit the frequencies organically.
These may be used, although not necessary. They are relevant to certain souls only and at unique times as well. -
Caroline’s psychic abilities are used for the intention of healing. She is rarely ‘allowed’ to use it to share any potential future events. These abilities support the reading of current situations, ailments that require to be addressed during the session, also through time and space but for the relevant healing happening Now. In the case of possible info concerning future dynamic emerging - she will always remind that person receiving the session, owns her reality, and timelines can change and upgrade, especially if they are ‘regulars’ on the healing journey.
What People Are Saying
“I experienced one of the most amazing healing sessions of my life with Caroline in Costa Rica this year. She is astonishingly insightful, and has the capacity to go deep into the patterning of the body / psyche at a level that is super rare.
She had incredible insight re my family, my ancestry, people that passed - I told her nothing before. She linked up tightness in my body with situations and experiences and I felt so incredibly different in my psyche and body after. She is gifted. And I liked her manner, she was relatable and super kind. I highly recommend her.”
— Alexandra Evans
“My channeling session with Caroline was absolutely angelic, deeply meaningful and revelatory. She truly transforms into a powerful channel for cosmic wisdom, and so much flows from her that plucks the strings of my soul. It's profoundly enlightening and I found myself in many moments of blissful knowing about my self, path and purpose that gave me great insight. I highly recommend any opportunity to work with Caroline and her majestic gifts.”
— Darren Austin Hall
"Caroline works within the realms of rare sensitivity and really comes from a place of clarity and kindness. I felt respected and cared for in a very beautiful + mature way, and continue to benefit from her mental expertise and subtle energetic attunement. I recommend working with her wholeheartedly! Its rare to come across somebody drawing her motivation from such a pure dwell... :)"
— Belinda Neuhauser
“I have had the great honor and privilege of developing a personal and professional relationship with Caroline over the past two years. I can only say that on both levels she operates at the highest level of integrity. Her intention to be a clear and supportive channel of human and divine spirit shapes her every moment. Caroline works diligently to maintain and deliver clear communications to herself, friends and clients. She is a bright light in this world and I am grateful her glow has touched my life.”
— Marianne Dolan
“I have had the good fortune to experience Caroline's profound gifts quite regularly. As a clairvoyant, audient, sentient and cognizant (and that's just the start!), her ability to receive information in multiple ways is quite rare, and as you can imagine, very useful. She would provide me with messages arriving in the form I needed in any given moment. Before I met Caroline, I had already received countless psychic readings from dozens of excellent channelers. However, my experience of Caroline is that she is as clear a conduit as they come. She is a radical galactic being! However, she is also very down to earth, professional and gentle. I appreciate her no nonsense, no frills approach to mediumship. She has a way of making the extraordinary ordinary and relatable. She makes no pretense and gives it to you straight, which I also found to be very refreshing. I highly recommend Caroline, if you are fortunate enough to have a session with her, there is a good chance it will change your life, as it certainly has mine.”
— Alexander
Carolines serves as bridge between worlds bringing forth information that is aligned with the evolution of the earth’s frequency. I can see how this service can have many important implications for people’s personal lives and projects. It seems to me that she has been guided to embody a very specific yet unique set of skills that emerge synchronistically and fluidly as the opportunity presents itself.She can help unlock a very profound potential and remembrance.
Personally it gave me access to remembering parts of myself that had been outside of my awareness in this lifetime and to encounter new information to derive identity from. This knowing can sharpen your purpose, add a sense of wonder and clarity to your life journey.
— Fred
“Caroline is a special high-frequency spirit who came to spread galactic knowledge and connect to cosmic consciousness. An open heart, full of Divine Light, purity and truth.
The session with her was a special experience that made it easier for me to receive messages and helped me in my spiritual growth. Through its ability to download codes and information into my energy structures, it activated internal crystals and energy centers - I received a cosmic tuning.”
— Ica Papadopol
“I have had the honor to experience receiving channeling from Caroline and I received clear guidance and validation for the spiritual path that I have been following. Caroline is a clear channel and I have been so grateful for her support. She comes highly recommended.”