The Convergence

There is big convergence happening right now. Where many species and races from other dimensions, worlds, galactos, are all convoluting for the same cause.

Our evolution is inevitably cosmic, galactic. Our inner codes are not only earthly but infi-dimensional. The universalis have prepared for this event for all us, inside and out.
The collective communication with these worlds starts within. Anything we’ve been through was merely to crack open the lower psyche of the human consciousness so the doorway of the heart, the senses would be hightened up to its widened Memory. 

It is asked to make space. To unclutter our environment, self. Inside and out. Clearing what is needed to in this moment, to allow for some ‘space’. This new vastness within, will allow new form of communication from these beings, new activations, codes to align your template to the new emergence taking place. Declutter your kitchen, closet, let go as nothing is ever yours or lost. It is just continuing their material and emotional existence in another part of you, farther. As soon the space is created, welcome and sit there. The messages and information of these higher frequencies will quickly replace the ‘emptiness’. Make space, as something far greater than you can imagine or conceive is taking place. Each one of us has the ability to connect with different points of the cosmos and is linked to a group of beings excited/looking forward to reach out more clearly a little more everyday with you.

The ‘future’ is intrinsic cosmic, as we awaken to the remembrance of our spirit, other lives, vibrations that defy what earth people used to experience. The Extra and intra beings, are part of us. The Earth is our anchor, our body, our home, and she herself is alive and her consciousness is calling for remembering her whispers, her love. She is holding though time space incredible powers, magnificent orchestration that has the limit we only convey her. She knows we are all merging with our brothers and sisters, our mirrors from all dimensions and she protects us along the way. Her reverence is key. Aligning with her elements, essential. And we a required to master the latter so new other dimensional elements came birth here as well.

The rise of the new children of higher consciousness is massive. They already hold the key to the cosmic realms. Their abilities will shaken belief systems. Understanding that a belief is only a vibration, we can release anything we thought, and let the Heart of the cosmos, of the Earth, guiding us. If we thought we were doing it alone, it is asked for us the reframe and let go of control. Allow in, invite the help from our benevolent family of the stars and beyond to assist us. We are held. If we do not know, we simply ask. And we are being shown. Life is intelligent. Let it show you the way.

In this time that could feels like a terrible crisis that breaks heart, trust that there is at the same time, something greater loving each one of us, and taking care of us. Give the reins to them for a moment, and once you align again to your higher self, you can take them back again, and you’ll realise that they were never yours. But ours, as one. That you do not need to force and try to make this happen. Things happen by themselves, with you in it, as part of it. You are not separate. We flow together, as one. And you lead, as one. For the greater good for yourself, as you are aware that you are the whole. A unique fragment of yours, that encodes what is needed. In being you. We are a massive vibrant puzzle. And we all click together. Everything is part of us.

When you love yourself deeply, and give your the most reverent respect as a child of nature, not really you, but a god like creation. An instrument of light and magnificence, you’ll understand life, earth, the universe wants you to take care of yourself first. Because you are it. And you, is us. It is it.

Come back home, alleviate the pain that calls for support, the world will reflect that. Love and compassion, kindness are the most beautiful weapons that can fire up a new world. Harmonise the elements within your structure. And the earth will too. Remember, now it is important. It matters, so you can find peace again.

I do love you, as I see you as us. The whole. And I surrender to all that I Am. Yo soy la Tierra, la vida. Con amor.


The time to open


Welcome to Cosmä Terra