The Veil

The veil is currently incredibly thin. So thin that the doors of many dimensions are dancing as one in our earthy garden. The stronger our roots and center are, the easier it is to experience. So our branches and trunk can bend when the wind blows.

What used to feel like visions from the other worlds is now materialised within our dense matter. Our collective energy has elevated to such a level that it now allows for this big event of cosmic embodiment and realities within ours. New fauna and flora, new ways. As our healing process clearing our human ancestral lineage is no more linear to this lifetime, and we awake to the fact that we’ve been (are) the whole ecosystem, microbiome to other humans and beings, other frequencies - our cosmic heritage takes place within and without. Our cellular memory changes. We are no longer only humans, but hybrids. Our species is reaching this stage; and what used the be seen as ‘paranormal’, is being incorporated as a new standard. What was unseen, now visible and tangible.

The veil of the doors are open, a complex mix and match of the everything at once. A big seed is planted as the etheric earth is merging with our dense earth. A spirit in a house becomes a roommate, timelines are spiralling and ever changing as the notion of time-space transforms within our psyche. Truth can be seen and interpreted through all angles, many ‘visitors’ are entering our earthy reality as the dimensional frequencies are hip-hoping all at once. The orchestra is alive and all the ‘plateaux’ are meeting for a big festival of convergence.

Hybrid children are entering our realms already embodying ‘extra’ sensorial capacities and abilities. What use to be seen as science fiction is about to become the new science. The galactic support is massive and our collaboration with extra or intra-terrestrial beings becomes natural.

The new plasma has started to be implemented within our bodies for the past few months, upgrading our physical structure to our cosmic architecture and blueprint. As we are clearing our direct blood line and waking up to the realisation that we are more than this life and have been many other lives as well as beings, molecules, energy from infinite other realities, our ‘blood’ is no longer a human dense liquid holding the memories from our gran-parents. We are all brothers and sisters of this immense cosmic family and play and our plasmic body and cellular memory upgrade to this cristaline vibration and essence.

Our magnetism changes. Our abilities evolve. Our experiences are anew. The notion of multi-dimensionality and unified field are like salt and pepper on our tables. And peace with this lifetime, with an open heart, allow for all to flow and be grounded within the magnificent love containers we currently live in. These energies entering our bodies are not just earthly. Many other civilisations and grids are intermingling with our consciousness. We are becoming aware of the unified field. Of the zero point, of the Now.

Of Love. What feels magical, is, and at the same time also down-to-earth, the new physics and science, in this program. It’s beautiful and mind-bending, challenging for the body to keep up with. It is shapeshifting. Morphing and can be seen as painful for the limited (not negative attribute here) human experience. Sickness may be actual release and clearing. It is adjusting. Pure alignment can also be bliss. We are currently experiencing the spectrums of the all, a prism of multi-dimensionality that helps us let go of who we were the day before, and the day before. While at the same time being more 'ourselves' than ever as we ground to this nature.

Our history is much more fascinating and cosmic than we know about. What used to be seen as tales and myths is re-appropriated as part of our existence. The earth is currently birthing her new colours. This infinite rainbows of this magnificent cosmic experiment we are all part of. Listen more than ever to your silence in the next few weeks, as much whispers will enter your world. You may be asked or sense to do certain things out of your usual habits, as you may be directed to act towards this massive collective endeavour happening. Unique to each of one us. Bisou.




Pregnant New Earth Mothers